Body-Mind Connection
Pure Heart Pure Heart

Body-Mind Connection

As both a doctor and a psychotherapist, I’ve seen firsthand how deeply intertwined our physical and mental health are. Our physical health directly impacts our mental state, and vice versa...

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The Unrecognised Value
Pure Heart Pure Heart

The Unrecognised Value

How much value do we grant ourselves? What decides our worth in the first place? When you train as a psychotherapist and learn about the Rogerian philosophy about self-concept, you start to understand how individuals perceive their own value...

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What Influences Our Decisions?
Pure Heart Pure Heart

What Influences Our Decisions?

Despite starting in the same place, these two brothers made completely different decisions based on their lived experiences and aspirations for the future...

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The Importance of Family Time
Pure Heart Pure Heart

The Importance of Family Time

At times, having some family time on a daily basis can feel very overwhelming. It is not necessarily because family members don’t want to spend time together, but because busy schedules and different commitments often get in the way...

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